ESR thanks to image consulting and in-depth work, helps you to build
your personal image and translate who you really are through clothes.
To help you in this process, we have put together 5 tips:
Learn to listen to yourself and understand yourself. What do you like, what are your values, what makes sense to you? Think about who
you are in essence, what your personality translates of you. It may
sound simple, but usually when we stop defining who we are, it takes a
long time, it might be unclear. Try to draw your own conclusions.
Knowing who you are is the first step towards building a real,
authentic image, which really translates your personality. In our
training, we use coaching techniques so that the client can enjoy
being herself.
Understanding the context
Separate your life from the different roles you have: at home, at work
but also as a Mother, as a spouse, as a friend. How is your life?
Your routine? Your social, professional environment? Which values
are important?
What is your objective?
What would you like to communicate through your image? What would you
let perceive from the first seconds? What skills need to be revealed,
and what weaknesses would you prefer hiding? Remember: your image
communicates, and getting the right message across is fundamental to
build your image.
Technical informations
Another important aspect of training. After all, how is this
non-verbal communication going? These are lines, shapes, colors,
textures, a combination of these designs, elements that speak for us,
through the image.
Consistency and maintenance
Pay attention to results, ask for feedback from people who live
together while making the necessary adjustments. Being coherent in
both verbal and non-verbal communication are fundamental aspects to
solidify the projected image.
If we ignore who we are while building our personal image, we are
reflecting the wrong image, without credibility. This is because the
body language does not lie. There is no point in communicate elegance
and intelligence, my gesture posture have to be in harmony to reflect
Another fatal error: when there is no correspondence between
non-verbal and verbal language. This dissociation is the flaw of a
successful image.
This is why, once again: self-knowledge, the value of strengths, the
adaptation of the image. The importance of nor being in a
representation of yourself but to being in harmony with who you truly