Does expression of style decrease or become more pronounced with age? Many mature women can end up changing their style due to established labels that women over 60 can’t wear this or that, can’t have long hair, can’t let their hair gray, can’t wear tight clothes, etc. On the other hand, other women know very well how to assert their choices and “offer them” regardless of the opinions of others.
Baby boomer women are often experimenters, pioneers, they have already changed the world a lot (and continue to change). Their consumption habits and orientations are therefore innovative for this age group. Creating fashion for this niche is quite different, as the challenges start with modeling: the body keeps changing. Read shorter torso, enlarged waist, sharp spine curves, lower torso, and often limited movement for health reasons.
Thin and more sensitive skin also requires natural materials, preferably organic. Image and fashion consultants must be attentive to these changes if they are to serve this audience well.
Fabrics are also important points: quality, malleable fabrics, comfortable shoes, practicality when dressing and undressing must prevail. However, it’s important to note that this doesn’t mean the outfit is un styled.
Comfort yes, but with authenticity. The new seniors are a challenge for fashion, because they are demanding consumers, experienced and transformers of habits … After all, Baby Boomer has been transforming the world since the 1960s!
Cliché or not, we see that maturity and financial freedom allow these grandmothers to be themselves, let emerge the deepest aspects of themselves. The clothes have been a beautiful way of expressing to the world how beautiful, elegant, happy they feel in life, with themselves, with the choices they have made or still make today. More and more this generation, once “forgotten” by the fashion industry, by the youngest, is now integrating us into this wonderful world of knowledge, power, wisdom presented to us by advanced style.