by ESR Team | Dec 5, 2020 | Image Consulting, Coaching, Personal Development
Let’s talk about body shapes…
If you are an image consultant and you come up with a disruptive consulting process, you can’t go through the body shapes analysis stage without a – almost complete – deconstruction of how this service is traditionally done.
This is perhaps one of the most difficult steps for some clients. We are talking here of facing the real mirror, of managing what “can and cannot” dress, of imposed rules that question the beauty of bodies. Here we find the frustration of clients who “dream of wearing a crop top”, but who say they don’t have the ideal body for it. There are many pains and limitations that women have related to their bodies and the possibilities that clothing offers.
When the purpose of the counselling service is to go much further than dressing, guiding self-esteem and self-love, it is essential that everything be re-meant: tools used , approach and active listening. But, in addition, the main thing is to question the need for visual corrections and aesthetic balance for your client.
That’s right, dear consultant. If you wish to breathe new life into this focus, you must also leave aside aesthetic balance, the rules of “lengthening, increasing and decreasing”, and understanding the moment and the relationship of your client with the body silhouette itself. Encouraging them to accept themselves and allowing them to use the items they want, even if it is not the “standard indication” of their body shapes. This is the ideal path for this stage.
Body shapes: learn more about the ESR methodology.
At ESR, our methodology addresses the “mirror technique”. We eliminate the measure and, on the contrary, put our bodily positive band into play. In addition, we listen to the wishes of clients on the wearing of certain pieces, going beyond studies on body shapes. Starting with the teaching that in addition to dressing well, you must first love and accept yourself. We value the positives, deconstruct inaccessible bodies and do our best to deliver what was previously unimaginable for them. And this is our main achievement: a methodology that deconstructs the culture of the label, values differences and reinforces personalisation.
When we choose to be a positive vehicle for transforming the lives of others, our performance begins to make more sense. Giving ourselves self-confidence and true client development is a never-ending road. It is not something easier, on the contrary, it requires a lot of study, dedication, tools and differentiated methodology.
It is a deconstruction and an acceptance which are above all ours. In practice, it’s even more rewarding. We are sure of it and we say it knowingly. ESR is always there to think differently, to do differently and to bring that look that matches our identity.
Discover to the link below to learn more about our online or face-to-face image consulting diploma courses.
Text Vandressa Pretto – Director ECOLE BRASIL
by ESR Team | Nov 26, 2020 | Image Consulting
1 – How to become an image consultant and succeed in your career?
Invest in quality training, complete and with a methodology updated to market demands such as our Image Consulting Master Diploma Course. Another important point is that this courses offers you all the material included so that you can put the content into practice and meet your customers needs.
All of this, of course, without you incurring finance charges that were not planned.
In this case, we advise you to search on the courses of our School which is complete and has material exclusive.
2 – Have a professional support network and be in contact with consultants already active.
They can be great partners for your company, don’t see them as competitors. Have a support to heal all your
professional doubts are very important to you feel secure and find real support for your needs. AT ESR, we have
WhatsApp groups organized by region, with the presence of local ambassadors, experienced consultants, teachers
available for questions and many opportunities to be present. In addition, we offer a free monthly lesson with teachers, grouping students together to answer all doubts they can have. It’s like group mentoring, where you can learn even more with the doubts of colleagues or with the slightest need healed.
3 – Go to practice.
Maybe with family, friends, maybe trade in or charge an initial amount that you feel comfortable with. There’s no how to be an image consultant without “eye training”, “active listening” and so many other skills that require practice to perfect.
There is no way to be an image consultant who only learns theory!
4 – Act differently.
Offer your creative services, stay tuned to your request and work on your social networks. Do not offer just one type of
package or service. Think about different niches such as luxury. How can you operate in retail? What is to serve a group of women through a different dynamic? Think about it.
5 – Make partnerships.
Think about your network and think about the people to whom you can offer your services, or some of them.
Digital influencers whose audience is the same as you may be good partners. How about an exchange of disclosure advice?
This nutritionist you know, how can you partner with her, something different for the network of customers it already has? And the aesthetic you frequent? What can we offer these customers? Make a script via your calendar, your Instagram contacts and your card which are the professionals who best match your target audience and who, in return, they will have potential
customers for you. Book a coffee, talk about your ideas, be open to listen the needs and people’s pain and “_voilá_”!
A promising partnership can emerge during these meetings. It is important to think like an entrepreneur, because from the time you embark on a career as an image consultant, you takes over the “reins” of this new business, even if you are the only employee. And if you’ve never undertaken it, don’t worry, it’s still possible to learn.Roll up your sleeves, don’t be lazy and don’t letting fear stop you, these are great tips to help you on this career path.
At ESR, we offer support in all these stages. We are proud that the students who trusted us and start this incredible journey with us, can get all the help and encouragement they need and are working constantly in this growing market.
Good luck, good deeds and count on us!
Text write by Vandressa Pretto Director of ESR Brazil
Want to discover more about this incredible profession? subscribe to our VIRTUAL OPEN DAY on the 23rd of January 2021.
by ESR Team | Nov 17, 2020 | Fashion, Image Consulting
Does expression of style decrease or become more pronounced with age? Many mature women can end up changing their style due to established labels that women over 60 can’t wear this or that, can’t have long hair, can’t let their hair gray, can’t wear tight clothes, etc. On the other hand, other women know very well how to assert their choices and “offer them” regardless of the opinions of others.
Baby boomer women are often experimenters, pioneers, they have already changed the world a lot (and continue to change). Their consumption habits and orientations are therefore innovative for this age group. Creating fashion for this niche is quite different, as the challenges start with modeling: the body keeps changing. Read shorter torso, enlarged waist, sharp spine curves, lower torso, and often limited movement for health reasons.
Thin and more sensitive skin also requires natural materials, preferably organic. Image and fashion consultants must be attentive to these changes if they are to serve this audience well.
Fabrics are also important points: quality, malleable fabrics, comfortable shoes, practicality when dressing and undressing must prevail. However, it’s important to note that this doesn’t mean the outfit is un styled.
Comfort yes, but with authenticity. The new seniors are a challenge for fashion, because they are demanding consumers, experienced and transformers of habits … After all, Baby Boomer has been transforming the world since the 1960s!
Cliché or not, we see that maturity and financial freedom allow these grandmothers to be themselves, let emerge the deepest aspects of themselves. The clothes have been a beautiful way of expressing to the world how beautiful, elegant, happy they feel in life, with themselves, with the choices they have made or still make today. More and more this generation, once “forgotten” by the fashion industry, by the youngest, is now integrating us into this wonderful world of knowledge, power, wisdom presented to us by advanced style.
by ESR Team | Jul 20, 2020 | Colours Analysis
Did you know that the harmony of colours we use in our daily life can positively or negatively influence our personal image?
The harmony of colours concerns the combinations that we use in our accessories and outfits. We see it through the prints or the different colours of the items we combine.
Read on and find out how you can improve your personal image by choosing the colours that communicate the best and enhance your personality.
About colour harmony
Did you know that the harmony of colours is directly linked to the psychology of colours, its effects on people and its impact on what we communicate to others? It’s the famous non-verbal language.
But, how does the harmony of colours help in nonverbal communication?
Each colour has its meanings. But certain colours, when they are combined and mixed communicate something different. When we look at a person, unconsciously, one of the first things that affects us is the harmony of colours that she wears.
How do you perceive this impact?
For instance, we can identify a more elegant person, when she wears only one colour from head to toe, the famous “tone on tone”.
When we look at a person wearing opposite colours, like red and blue, it conveys the idea of joy, energy and open mind.
People who use three or more extremely different colours in the same look manage to convey creativity and innovation. After all, you have to be bold to use this great mix of colours, right?
Colours with similar shades, such as orange and red, communicate femininity and youth. Several elements communicate our personal image.
When we combine the harmony of colours with clothing and accessories, we give more strength and communicate a more assertive image to what we want to express.
Therefore, it is important to consciously choose the elements and colours, to connecting your look to your personality!
This subject is dealt with in depth in our training in image consulting in the field of colours analysis. Interested in accessing our website and learning more?
by ESR Team | Jun 17, 2020 | Coaching, Personal Development
Coaching is a personal development methodology, with a set of techniques that allow the individual to achieve his goals. It can be used in the most different fields and uses neuro linguistic programming techniques (NLP), positive psychology, action training, among others, always in a personalized way by adapting to each individual objective and belief. This is why SELF-KNOWLEDGE is one of the 5 advantages of coaching in the image consulting process.
In image consulting, coaching is a powerful ally because it helps us to obtain more in-depth information on the true objectives, beliefs and values of the client. For this reason, ESR image consulting training goes far beyond creating a stylish look with the right colours. We work alos on the client’s personal development. When we realize that image can be a vector for instrumental transformation, we realize how coaching techniques can really improve the process in this direction.
Benefits of Coaching for Image Consulting
Among the advantages of coaching applied to image consulting, we work with:
SELF-KNOWLEDGE: the tools are conducive to self-knowledge. Thanks to effective questions and techniques, coaching brings questions that the client often does not ask, such as: their tastes, the analysis of their choices when dressing, their priorities.
SELF-ESTEEM: Gaining self-esteem, thanks to coaching techniques, also occurs in several ways. One is non-judgment – the basic premise of this methodology. The emphasis on the positive, the respect for the taste of the customer are also applied through the techniques, in a specific way, and which guarantee this advantage. By identifying the style and their tastes, the customer begins to see themselves as a unique person, without the external labels and thus begins to appreciate and understand what makes sense to them.
AUTONOMY: the coaching process encourages, through its techniques, autonomy, personal responsibility. Which in the end serves all aspects of our lives. It can be learned in image consulting, but in fact it affects all aspects of the lifestyle.
FOCUS ON THE OBJECTIVE: the whole coaching process is based on achieving a goal. In the case of image consulting, we can even have several. Of course, sometimes this definition of a goal is not simple, so it is accompanied by a process of self-knowledge.
We also consider that we do not build an image at random, or simply on the basis of external factors – like Fashion. Indeed it is important that your client is seen, perceived by others for what he really is and that he realizes the benefits on his lifestyle.
IN ACTION: Coaching strengthens us and provides us with guidelines for action. The movement of change, of action, allows us to feel a sense of accomplishment and ownership in transformation and improvement.
We have become agents of our image construction. And it is one of the coaching techniques in this process, often used. These are some of the results of the image consulting process, based on the coaching methodology.
Creating the image with coaching techniques means understanding that we are working with personal development, using clothing as a means of expression. This is why it is important to understand them well and master them in order to be able to apply them perfectly. In this process, our communication goes far beyond the verbal, and empathy and connection are essential. Therefore, the more the resources improve our performance in this regard, the better the results.