How do I find my colours season?
Have you ever read articles or articles about colour matching and been intrigued by it? Would you...
Do you want to turn your passion for fashion and self-esteem into a profession? The image...
How to become a personal stylist? 5 tips to start your career
First let's start to define the difference between an image consultant and a personal stylist? The...
Image Consulting in sustainable fashion
Sustainability is a theme that impregnates our daily life in many aspects and areas. In fact, a...
Fast fashion & consumption: current changes and needs.
The pandemic is known to have had a negative impact on fast fashion & retailing, affecting...
How to embrace body shapes with image consulting?
Let’s talk about body shapes… If you are an image consultant and you come up with a disruptive...
How to become an image consultant? 5 tips to start your career with confidence
1 - How to become an image consultant and succeed in your career? Invest in quality training,...
Advanced Styling
Does expression of style decrease or become more pronounced with age? Many mature women can end up...
4 tips to expand your fashion repertoire
Do you want to become an image consultant, do you like fashion, but you do not feel confident to...
Is the visagism just an aesthetic harmonisation?
Is the visagisme just an aesthetic harmonisation? What if I aim to achieve a disruptive image? Is...
Genderless Fashion
For some time now, fashion shows have been showing a genderless fashion trend for both adults and...
The power of colours and their combinations
Did you know that the harmony of colours we use in our daily life can positively or negatively...
Coaching benefits in the Image Consulting Process
Coaching is a personal development methodology, with a set of techniques that allow the individual...
5 tips to build a real personal image while being true to your personality
ESR thanks to image consulting and in-depth work, helps you to build your personal image...
Capsule Wardrobe as an alternative to Minimalism
Minimalism has arrived to spark a new lifestyle, showing that it is possible to have only what is...
Entrepreneurship In Crisis Time
United Kingdom facilitates & promotes entrepreneurship. People aspire to be their own boss and...
London Fashion News
It is with great pride that I write our very first article for the launch of our image consulting...
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