Image Consulting in sustainable fashion
Sustainability is a theme that impregnates our daily life in many aspects and areas. In fact, a revolution is needed in sustainable fashion and in various economic sectors to ensure the survival of the planet’s natural resources.
Ecologically and economically sustainable, socially and culturally diverse ideas, strategies and attitudes also give rise to so-called sustainable fashion.
The fashion industry and the economy, although at a slow pace, are rethinking their production system, with consumers increasingly demanding and sensitive to the issue of sustainability, the industry must adapt to new forms of consumption. It is a fact that this movement and the cultural and global needs demand new ways of doing things and oblige to rethink the processes of the different professions and services.
This, in addition to innovations in existing fields, ends up offering us new professions and new opportunities.
In the field of image consulting, new services and proposals are emerging which align and adapt to this new demand for sustainable fashion.
But what can the sensitive image consultant wish on the subject, in order to propose a new way of consuming?
The image consultant can help his client lead a more sustainable lifestyle:
1. The creation of a “capsule” collection that can be easily combined with each other, allowing the creation of multiple looks with a reduced number of clothes and a minimalist wardrobe, thus avoiding excessive consumption, without experiencing the feeling of being “always dressed the same way”.
2. Support towards a better knowledge of yourself, your tastes and needs, your personality and your goals, this awareness translates into a more conscious choice of clothes and accessories which inevitably leads you to resist to the calls of fast fashion and more reasonable consumption practice. We only buy what really makes sense and reflects our personality and needs.
3. The possibility of reusing old items, discovering them with the eyes of a professional and giving them a new life. Recycling is also an interesting “sustainable fashion” option that the image consultant can offer to his client. However, parts to throw away, in good condition (or because they no longer make sense, do not fit) can be given to charity shop. Often times, people who are not familiar with image consulting think it is giving away your entire wardrobe and buy more…but in fact there is buying less in the image consulting process. It is even an advantage for the client not to have to buy during and after an image consulting session.
But if necessary and when the customer wishes to buy new parts, the purchase being well thought out and privileging the versatile parts for their durability, as well as the longevity of the production process, the image consultant specialised in sustainable fashion can target more ethical, fair and eco-sustainable brands, bringing real added value to its customers.
If each of us, in our daily habits and in our trades and professions, implements a more sustainable and prudent behaviour and attitude, in a world of more than 7 billion people, we could really make a difference!
Buy Less, Choose well, Make it last!